Bailey Mae Jensen was born April 13th (4 days over). She weighed 6 lbs. 13 oz. and was 19 1/2 in. She has lots of dark brown hair- I love it! We are so excited to have her here!
I was induced with both Brigham and Peyton a few days early by choice, so I thought I could be patient and go into labor on my own with Bailey. I was wrong. By the third day overdue, I asked to be induced. We went in at 9:30 pm on the 12th and had a cytotec induction. We had her at 10:52 the next morning. All went pretty well except she was having decelerations the whole labor, so I was being monitored pretty closely. Her heartrate continued decelerating into the 50's as I was pushing, so they vacuumed her out after 10 min of pushing. But it was worth it once she was here! We are so excited to have a girl and that she is healthy!