Thursday, April 22, 2010

New baby girl!

Bailey Mae Jensen was born April 13th (4 days over). She weighed 6 lbs. 13 oz. and was 19 1/2 in. She has lots of dark brown hair- I love it! We are so excited to have her here!
I was induced with both Brigham and Peyton a few days early by choice, so I thought I could be patient and go into labor on my own with Bailey. I was wrong. By the third day overdue, I asked to be induced. We went in at 9:30 pm on the 12th and had a cytotec induction. We had her at 10:52 the next morning. All went pretty well except she was having decelerations the whole labor, so I was being monitored pretty closely. Her heartrate continued decelerating into the 50's as I was pushing, so they vacuumed her out after 10 min of pushing. But it was worth it once she was here! We are so excited to have a girl and that she is healthy!


Rick and Collette said...

Congratulations!! She is soooo cute! I really hope I get one of those someday. I love all the dark hair. I'm glad everything went well. Good luck adjusting to THREE kids.

BJ said...

She's so pretty! I can't wait until we see you guys!

Chance and Beth said...

Congratulations! She really is beautiful. Glad that everyone is ok!

Anonymous said...

I love the name Bailey I'm so excited to have a new cousin

Ashley said...

YA! Congrats Ash. Glad your both doing well!

Emily said...

Congratulations you guys! She is beautiful. What are you guys up to these days?

crystal carlson said...

Congrats! That's so awesome that you have a little girl! Hope everyone is doing well!

Chels's Blog said...

Congrats on your new addition. She is so cute! I miss ya tons... I hope to see ya at reunion this year!

The Reed Family said...

Congratulations! I have been thinking about you and wondering if you had delivered! Your boys look so big! Carter asked me the other day about brigham. It's funny how much they remember :) She is beautiful, have fun with all the girl stuff. I can't wait for that! Congratulations!