Monday, June 1, 2009

Rick's Birthday

Rick's birthday was April 5th. We had a lot of fun and had family over later for a party. The boys were really excited for the birthday. I gave Rick the Joseph Smith Papers, which he's been wanting for a while.


Rick and Collette said...

Happy way late birthday to Rick! Birthdays are fun! The pictures of your boys are way cute too. I was in Idaho in April and tried to call you a couple of times. The only number I have for you is your cell phone and I'm guessing you don't use that number any more. I don't know if you ever got my messages but I would love to talk to you and get updated on you and cute your family. Let me know how to get a hold of you. My email is Hope all is well!

crystal carlson said...

It was fun to see what your family has been up to lately! The pictures of you kiddos were really cute and happy late birthday to your hubby! That's fun you were able to get together with a couple of your sisters!